Sunday, October 14, 2007

DEBATE: Is Buddhism a Religion or a Philosophy?

There is an ongoing debate as to whether Buddhism is a religion or a philosphy. If one considers religion a belief in a God or gods, then Buddhism would not be considered a religion,as it is nontheistic. However, the word religion is of Latin root literally meaning "rebound" from re- and ligare- (bound). Because Buddhism is a common set of goals and beliefs that binds a group of people toghether, those who practice Buddhism view what they believe as a religion. Although in Buddhism there is no higher power, it is similar to other major religions in that there is an explanation of origin, a moral code and goals, and a set of rituals to be performed. For more information go to:


Jackie said...

Great job paraphrasing Shannon. I also like the debate you have set forth between philosophy and religion. And your hot link to your original source allowed me to tell you are paraphrasing, yet I could find the ideas in the original source. Very credible!

Kelly V said...

I really liked how you questioned the idea of religion vs. philosophy in your blog presentation. It was really original and interesting to learn about.

Grace said...

I also think that you made a good point with the religion vs philosophy. I think that it is a common debate and I'm glad you brought it up during class.

Erin D said...

I am glad that you brought this up in your presentation because i have heard about it. It was nice to see the different arguments for each side.

Carah C. said...

I also agree that this debate is very common, i know we've talked about it in class before. and it was interesting to see both sides of the argument.

Sara said...

I really liked this question you proposed. Its a question that I believe we are faced with alot. It is very interesting to see both sides of the debate.